Featured Author- Dawn Kohler

Featured Author- Dawn Kohler

At the age of 32, Dawn Kohler experienced a life change that pulled her from her award-winning role as founder and CEO of a thriving computer company and into an inner journey that altered the course of her life. The following years were devoted to exploration, study, and a deep yearning to return to her childhood passion of becoming a writer. The many lessons she experienced during those years are depicted in her recent memoir, The Messages. 

After selling her computer company, Dawn returned to corporate America and quickly thrived as a sought-after executive coach. Her clients now span the globe including many of the most influential leaders in Entertainment and Media. 

As an executive coach, the struggles she witnesses with her clients further confirmed the lessons in her own journey and inspired her first Novel, The Invitation, A Weekend with Emma. In 2015, The Invitation was awarded Winner, Best Spiritual Book by the Hollywood Book Festival, and the Grand Prize Winner, Best Beach Book by the San Francisco Writers Festival. 

For more information go to DawnKohler.com